Today, I find myself sitting on the 8th floor of Brenner Children's Hospital in Winston-Salem, NC. Even though the facility is beautiful and the staff is wonderful, I'd rather not be here. No parent enjoys watching their children suffering to recover from surgery. It's been a troubling 5 months since Olivia started having seizures. Each day brings different anxieties. Other days it gets a little easier. The good news is that God has used it to bring us closer to Him.
We've enjoyed the view from Olivia's room. We can see the city skyline in the distance and the huge construction project right below us. We've watched with amazement as two huge cranes operate just outside our window. They are constantly moving huge beams, construction materials, even once a porta-potty! It didn't take me long to realize that the operator, who is perched high above the ground, can often not see the area where he moves the materials. He has to depend on the crew working below to guide him using radio equipment. That has to be one good working relationship considering the massive size of some of the materials they are moving!
I believe we can see a similar principal in our relationship with God. Often, He guides us and directs us in the decisions we have to make in life. Like a master architect, He has a perfect plan for our lives. He always knows best and always has our best in mind. Many times we can't see what He has planned for us. He just directs us one step at a time. We can't see the final destination but we can trust His guiding words! As I look out the window today I can't imagine why God allowed Olivia to have these health issues. But I rejoice in knowing He has a perfect reason for them. He allowed this to happen during a furlough when we were living close to a world-class children's hospital. He knew we would have family and friends nearby to lend a hand. He'll use this in a way we can't now imagine.
I also watched in horror yesterday as the crane operators made their way down the huge ladder that runs down the frame of the crane. My hands were actually sweating as I watched the descent. I would never want to find myself in that situation. It was once again a reminder that God wants us to leave our comfort zone. He may place us in situations we would have never chosen. In the end we'll see that He was always in control and there was no reason to fear. We just have to listen for His voice and trust His words. Now Lord help me to trust you more today!