I have always been a fan of National Geographic Magazine. I grew up reading about exotic places and interesting people groups. I always loved studying the maps and discovering new places. I learned about amazing and often endangered animals. I don't believe I can ever remember a copy of the magazine without the long running campaign by Canon called, "Wildlife as Canon Sees It." The campaign features a different endangered animal each month. Today, my November edition of the magazine arrived and I read about the endangered "Giant Antipitta," a rare bird from Ecuador. After reading the ad I decided to write about an increasingly endangered species in today's world:
The Christian
Today we feature one of the rarest human forms on earth-The Christian. Christians are known for being different than other similar species in their area. These now rare humans often gather on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings and Wednesday evenings for Bible studies. Some extremely rare versions of the Christians actually meet even more frequently. Christians often dress differently and groom themselves differently than other humans. Their appearance is often called "conservative." Strangely enough, devoted Christians participate in "tithing" where they give 10 percent or more of their income to their church. Christians often refrain from activities considered common to other humans. They are monogamous, even promoting purity before and during marriage. Christians even use a different form of language, refraining from obscenities. Christians seem to base their lives on a book they call "The Bible." Devoted Christians work hard to share their beliefs with other humans. They were once found among many of the world's people groups. Today, the Christians, once a huge population group, is no longer a major influence on its environment. How long before this once large population group is extinct?
I often wonder if there is any noticeable difference between the average Christian today and the rest of the world. I'm reminded of a great truth found in 1 John 2:15, Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. I hope as Christians we haven't fallen in love with the world so much that we forget about our walk with God. I hope we stand out as a rare species in an ever-changing world. Let's save an endangered species by telling others about the life-changing story of Jesus Christ!