Faint Not

The Fields are White unto Harvest
We had big hopes for Easter Sunday.  We invited lots of people and we were hoping that some of our regular attenders would bring their family members.  We had a good film to show and we wanted people to see it.  When it was time to start we had a good group, but no visitors.  I was a bit disappointed.  Later, while reflecting on the day, a verse came to mind.  Galatians 6:9,  And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 

I believe God has big plans for Viña Alta.  It's our job to just keep laboring away with and in His perfect timing there will be a great harvest to reap.  Have you grown weary in well doing?   If so, faint not, keep plugging away for the Lord. He promises a great reward.