Excuses, Excuses...

Once again I find myself apologizing for the lack of updates on our blog. I am always trying to think of interesting things to post but lately that has become more difficult. It's not that there isn't anything to write about, perhaps I'll blame it on "writer's block!"

I was happy to discover that I am not alone in failing to update our blog. A New York Times article reports that 95 percent of all blogs on the internet are abandoned. That means they haven't been updated in 120 days or more. The article went on to say that only about 50,000 blogs on the internet are actively updated and viewed. At this point I'm starting to feel better. My blog has only gone a little over a month without an update.

I had thought of switching to Twitter. I've never used it, never even viewed it, but I imagine it would be easier posting a one-line status update compared to a 2 paragraph "article." Then I thought about it and realized my life wouldn't be too interesting recorded in one-line updates. I also found out that Twitter isn't the answer since 80 percent of Twitter accounts have less than 10 followers, and 30 percent of Twitter accounts have never even posted a "tweet." I'm starting to think I am not the only one failing to keep my online activity updated.

But, for the few and faithful followers that keep reading my blog I'd like to say "Thank you!" I have some fresh ideas and I'll be working to update more frequently. Maybe you can help: Send me a comment, write a question, fire me an email with a topic you'd like to read about. I'd like to think my blog won't join the millions that have already been abandoned!