Sharing the Good News

The "Mobile Ministry Unit" opens many doors for evangelism.

This past Saturday we enjoyed hosting a team of Peruvian young people for an afternoon of special events. The team came with missionaries Don and Carla Rich from Cajamarca, Peru. We began the afternoon with an evangelism workshop for our church teens. They learned about how to effectively share the Gospel with their friends and family. Later, they split up into groups with the visiting teens and went out into the neighborhood passing out tracts, inviting people to church, and sharing the Gospel whenever possible. In the evening we projected an evangelistic film at the soccer park by our church. Pastor Don traveled with his teens in their "Mobile Ministry Unit." The 15 passenger van has been outfitted with a special motorized screen, sound system, lights, a generator and everything needed to conduct open-air meetings. A good crowd of people gathered for the film and nearly everyone stayed to hear a presentation of the Gospel at the end. It was a day filled with opportunities and was a good time of promoting the church in the community. The most exciting part of the day was seeing our young people doing their part in sharing the Good News with others. I was reminded of Luke 14 where the Lord said, "Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in..." What a blessing to be able to use technology to compel people to listen to the saving message of the Gospel.