Winter in Lima

Most people think we are crazy when we say "It gets cold in Lima." Especially when you consider the coldest temperature of the year usually bottoms out at 58 degrees. Yet, most winter days we wear sweaters and coats and feel really chilly. Perhaps the ocean breeze is to blame. Perhaps its the high humidity. (It has been about 85 percent humidity everyday since we returned.) Perhaps we are just cold-natured now! Of course the sun rarely shines during the winter and the fog blankets the desert with a damp mist. The 1/10 of an inch of rain each year in Lima usually arrives as fog.

The pictures below, both taken from our apartment, will give you an idea of how the weather changes our view. Perhaps you will see why we feel cold during a Lima winter!

Ministry is greatly effected by the weather. Warmer days provide more witnessing opportunities and better contacts on the streets and in parks. Yet, the work goes on year round. God blesses every time we go out to minister for Him. Thankfully winter is short here. In a few weeks spring will arrive and the sun will return.

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