What's our homework?

We just completed another good weekend of ministry. God continues to open up doors of opportunity, for which we are thankful. Perhaps one of the most exciting ministries we have is with adolescents. Each Saturday evening we have a group of 10-20 young teens that meet together. We sing choruses, play a few games, have a quiz competition and finally a Bible study. We are currently studying the book of Revelation. About a month ago a young man named Jason came for the first time. From day one he was very interested to learn more about God and the Bible. He obviously has a real thirst for spiritual things. Near the end of his first meeting he raised his hand and asked, "What is our homework for this week?" We were a bit taken back, and explained that it would be good if he would read the next two chapters of Revelation. Most kids don't come to church looking for more homework! The next week when he returned he had hand-copied a quarter of the book of Revelation. He had studied it, and memorized many of the future key events. As we study together he has an incredible knowledge of the book he has picked up studying on his own. Jason has since publicly acknowledged that he is a Christian and wants to serve the Lord. Since he started coming the other young people have noticed his diligence and several others are starting to study on their own during the week.

I once heard a speaker say "Prophecy isn't profitable if it doesn't prod us to tell others." As we study the book of Revelation and reflect on the future events that will take place in the world it should move us to action. There are billions of lost souls in the world that haven't heard the truth of the Gospel. Thankfully there are some young people like Jason that are hearing, taking action and doing their homework for the Lord. What's your homework assignment today from God?