VBS Day Two: Beating the Competition

I was unable to update the BLOG last night because our power was off. Thanks for checking back to hear about our Vacation Bible School.

Yesterday we arrived to find a good group of children waiting at the door. We begin to distribute their name tags and welcome them into the building. Then our competition arrived. A teacher from the nearby school came in a bus and offered to take the neighborhood children to a swimming pool. We suddenly wondered if all the children were going to leave. The kids started chatting and deciding which was the better option. We were happy to see that only four kids left to go swimming. God then provided four new visitors and we had the exact same number of kids as day one. We felt like we had beat the competition for once.

The children are doing well at memorizing verses. They have also learned well the first two colors in the "wordless book." We're leaving shortly for another exciting day at the church. Keep up your prayers!