April is gone already?

It is hard to believe that the month is already past. We had a great month of traveling and meetings. By months end we had visited 7 of our supporting churches and participated in 23 services. (That is easy to do when you have 3 mission conferences back-to-back!) We also enjoyed a mini family vacation in Norfolk, Virginia over the Easter weekend.

We appreciate all of you that have been faithfully praying about the elections in Peru. We are a bit disappointed in the outcome of the first round of voting. The two candidates that we found less-favorable turned out to be the winners. They will face off in a final round in late May. So far about 99.5 percent of the votes have been tallied. It is statistically impossible for anyone else to bump them from the top two spots. There could be difficult days ahead in Peru and in the rest of South America. Its never to late to pray. Pray that God will work and keep the door of opportunity open in Peru. Pray also that world situations might turn more people to God.

It is indeed difficult to believe that April is already over. We are shopping for airline tickets now. We hope to have Olivia's visa paperwork done soon and our final travel plans in place. Before we know it May will be over and packing will have to begin! It will be great to know that you are praying for us all along the way!