The Faithful Few

Our church is still a relatively young work. We are happy when we have 20 adults on a Sunday. Yet we've noticed a good trend beginning to take shape among our brethern. They are faithful in their attendance. We usually have the same group at every service. This makes us happy because they are learning the importance of being faithful to church. Yesterday we saw true faithfulness in action. Nuguith, one of our new believers came walking in the door with her husband right on time. This is especially impressive because she is 9 months pregnant. Even more impressive was the fact that she was having contractions 7 minutes apart! She was very attentive during the message and even enjoyed the fellowship after the service. As they headed out the door she commented that her bag was already packed for the hospital and they'd be making their way there shortly. (I was just relieved I didn't have to help deliver a baby during a church service!)

Do you find it troubling that people are no longer faithful to their church? Churches seem to be cancelling services and reducing activities. It's not uncommon for a church to have 1000 attenders on Sunday morning and 100 Wednesday night. It seems we've all forgotten the exhortation of Hebrews 10:25. I am happy to be working with part of the faithful few that make God a priority in their lives.