Fiestas Patrias

A roadside vendor displays flags during Peru's Independence Day celebrations.

Today is a special day in Peru. Each July 28th and 29th the people of Peru celebrate "Fiestas Patrias." This two-day event honors Peru's military heros and celebrates Peru's independence. General Jose de San Martin actually proclaimed Peru's independence on July 28, 1821. The celebration is a major holiday event in the country. Starting early in the month patriotic banner's and Peruvian flags begin to appear on nearly every building. There are parades and special events almost non-stop for the two days. Many families travel or make special plans for the holiday. Fiestas Patrias generates nearly as much interest as the Christmas holidays.

Today as we celebrate with our Peruvian brethren, we can be thankful for the freedoms that Peru has. God has left this country open and free for evangelism. ¡Viva PerĂº!