Out of this World News from Peru

Things had finally started to calm down here in Peru recently. The rebuilding from the earthquake is moving along quickly and lives are getting back to normal. Then more news came out from our south! This time it wasn't an earthquake but a massive meteorite. The glowing meteorite struck the earth with such force that it caused a crater 55 feet across and 16 feet deep. Shortly after the impact hundreds of people in a nearby village being to fall ill. There were reports of nausea, migraine headaches, and dizziness. At this point the health officials claim the debris is not radioactive and should cause no long term health problems for those living nearby. Scientists are on the scene to study the remains.

I heard some folks here in Lima talking about the meteorite yesterday. "Maybe God is trying to send us a message," One of them commented. Perhaps He is! I just hope that more people are willing to listen.

In other news.....This week we are hosting a group from the BMM Seminary which is located in northern Peru. They'll be with us to conduct Bible clubs, open-air meetings and to go out visiting in the community. It is a blessing to have these young people assisting us this week. We'll let you know how these special outreaches go!