Christmas Competition

Yesterday we had our second services in Vina Alta. When we arrived early to open up the building and prepare we noticed the entire area looked like a ghost town. The normally busy streets were nearly empty of people. There were no vendors in the streets and the normal sound of children playing was not to be heard. Even the soccer field was empty. What was going on? Where had everyone gone? We managed to find a few families walking nearby and they explained that the municipality had a party with gifts for the children. Hundreds of people from all around Lima would be there to receive a gift. Plus the local elementary school had a special event and nearly every school child was there. We had almost given up hope of having our Kids Club.

After a few minutes of hunting we managed to find a handful of children. They were anxious to come to our club seeing that they had been left out of the other nearby events. After 10 minutes we had 13 children. They enjoyed games, singing, and a Christmas Bible story. We were especially impressed by their good behavior. They were all excited and promised to return next week.

Our service for adults was smaller than last week. We managed to have 7 adults. Thankfully everyone listened well and heard a clear gospel message. We are hoping that we can pick up in attendance after the holidays. Christmas shopping, parties, and special events are keeping most people busy. It seems there is no time for visiting a new church this month. Slowly but surely we will grow and people will continue to hear the story of the saving grace of our savior Jesus Christ.

Several of you wrote and asked how our first services went on December 10th. I am sorry we didn't update the BLOG with that information. We sent out an email update and didn't get to update the BLOG. If you would like to be added to our email list, please send a request to us at: Thanks for keeping us in your prayers!